Friday, July 19, 2013

Ramadhan 9 & Panic Attack!

Yesterday was a very, very stressful day for me.
Ada dua sebab kenapa aku stress tahap kegila gilaan.
Tapi itu aku akan ceritakan kemudian.

Sekarang let's see menu sahur & berbuka untuk Ramadhan 9.

Sahur: Drumstick ayam kicap + Ephyra
Iftar: Ayam lemak cili padi, sayur campur, bakso & kuih muih (tidaklah ku tahu kuih apa yang ada sebab stress & sangat down semalam. Oleh kerana itu, aku cuma minum oren seteguk dua and makan bakso dua sudu. That's all I can take. Selera langsung takdak!)

Let's cerita pasal apa aku stress.

Pertama: Guest beli tiket ke KL tapi bila aku issue tiket, dia blah begitu saja without paying for it.
Guest ni sebenarnya mangsa kecurian. Their bagpacks containing passports, money & such was stolen at their hotel room. Then mintak aku cari harga murah. Me being kesiankan orang susah, offer la harga online yg murah. My mistake was aku tak add up harga tax (blame MAS online sebab x include tax before showing the price! They should've done it so there will be no mistakes in future). Ok so they went to the bank ambik duit. Later, the husband datang and ready to purchase the ticket. Aku pun bagitau la harga tadi blm campur tax and such and I did apologize for my mistake. Aku tanya if he still wants to issue the tickets sebab harga dah lain kan..kalau dia nak aku proceed but kalau tak nak aku cancel je lah. I swear by GOD that he said okay, please proceed coz they need to go to KL to report & deal with their stolen passport thingy with US & German Embassy.

So I issued the tickets after he said that and even offered to do the online check in for them. Then the wife start to make noise and create a scene! Tuduh aku tak explain harga baik2 kat diorang walhal aku dah explain kat husband dia before issue tiket. I tried to explain but she screamed louder and louder, lepas tu angkut beg terus blah sambil membebel. Laki dia pun ikut sekali blah sepantas kilat. Nasib baik tiket aku pegang, klu di bawaknya tiket tu memang naya la aku.

Aku kejar diorang sampai a few blocks away and when I reached them the husband jerit kuat2 kat aku 'Get away from me!!' then the wife pun jerit sekali. Terkesima Kak Ton! Macam aku pulak nak merompak kat diorang! Biadap punya manusia...nasib baik bulan puasa aku bersabar & istighfar banyak2. Amazing sekali bila aku tak rasa panik or marah sampai nak menumbuk muka orang. Hikmah puasa agaknya kan...

Balik ofis tenang je aku explain kat bos. And I managed to settle hal ticket dengan MAS. Sekarang tunggu approval to waive the ticket's cancellation fee, then semua selesai.

Kedua: I found a lump on my right armpit dan ini lah actually the primary cause for my stressful day!. Sampai nangis2 la aku mengadu dgn my mom. At that time I was convinced that I've got cancer. Macam dah nak kiamat dunia aku rasa. Well, sape tak takut kan, tetiba your right armpit ada lebihan terbonjol di situ..memang takde fikir lain dah. Pasal ni jugaklah aku hilang terus selera makan waktu iftar.

So tadi aku beranikan diri pergi klinik. Alhamdulillah sangat bila doktor sahkan yang the lump is not cancer. Cuma lebihan lemak sebab overweight and she's been attending to quite a number of cases serupa macam aku. Punyalah legaaaaa hati ni Allah Taala je yang tau. And this condition (lemak berlebihan di ketiak) is called 'Abnormality Weighing'.

Now I can breath easy. Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah...

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