Tahu tak macam mana rasanya bila:-
Boleh lihat, tapi tak boleh sentuh...
Nak capai tapi tak sampai...
Dekat tapi jauh...
Haih..sakit hati bukan main, tahu?
Macam di rodok rodok belati.
Tapi sendiri cari pasal, nak tak nak kena terima hakikat walau sakit tu rasanya macam nak mati.
This is exactly why aku agak reluctant to be invovled in a relationship.
Aku tak suka la...almost everytime benda yang sama terjadi.
When I thought I went one step further, aku terpaksa retreat two steps backward.
Ada saja 'kejadian' yang buat aku terpaksa ambil keputusan berundur.
Takpelah. Things happened for a reason.
Move on macam biasa.
Nak mope around and depressed over a spilt milk pun tak guna.
Yeah it hurts so bad. Aku memang rasa sedih tapi aku bukan jenis yang sedih berkurun over a bad break up.
For a few days I do feel the pain and shits but after that just chin up la kan.
Oh well...que sera sera.
Just pray for the best and have faith.
Later, pipols!
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